Breakfast At Brelreck's (2001)
BAB was the last effort by The Maggies. It was recorded with Dave Chalfant, self-released with no distribution or label help. The band broke up not long after it's release.
Highlights of the project:
1. the packaging included an original short story by Jonathan Lethem.
2. it includes a re-do of an older Maggies song, "Homesick", somewhat re-arranged and re-imagined as "Still Homesick".
Below is a description of the time in which the EP was created, written by Philip Price as part of a long interview published in Bucketful of Brains (UK magazine) in 2004:
"....A deeply strange period came next. We had finally signed to a label, when Adrian left the band, citing the difficulty of the coming tours. Max, the founding member, left soon after (they were married. Sadly as well, that also ended around the same time.) But, we still had a label and, finally too, management - - but only Stuart and myself left in the band. We had to regroup again. This final line-up became a sort of Northampton-area supergroup, with Ken Maiuri (Pedro the Lion, Pernice Brothers, Spouse) and Adam Greenberg (now of Senator). An incredibly talented group of people, except that there was almost too much talent and ideas to go around -- the band lost focus (and I began to truly burn out on the entire adventure), but not before recording the Breakfast at Brelreck's EP with Dave Chalfant again, a last hurrah.
"It all fell apart after that. There was a sad meeting at a diner on a cloudy winter day, and people went away feeling hollow and beat up by life. That EP is of bittersweet substance to me, as we hurried to create it while my father was dying. The final song on it, 'Someday', was recorded two days before his death. In many ways my rush to make the album was partly my attempt to impress upon him how fecundly i could thrive in his absence; a desperate feeling -- he was incredibly supportive of all my musical efforts, as is my mother to this day."
released April 1, 2001
1. Summergirl
2. Leaning Slightly Forward
3. The Dew Falls On Deborah
4. Everybody's Golden Age
5. Covering Me Up
6. Still Homesick
7. Someday

Cryptic Valentine (1999)
The second full-length CD from the band, but technically their ninth release overall if you include all the cassette and vinyl releases.
From a 2004 interview with Philip Price in Bucketful of Brains (UK magazine):
"There was a long gap between Homesick and the next album, Cryptic Valentine. Homesick came out in 1997; CV in 2000. The main reason I imagine was an attempt to avoid any sophomore slump, but also I had a desire to be much more ambitious with this one. Whatever I felt I hadn’t achieved with Homesick I was going to do with CV. Dave Chalfant (later one of the engineers with Winterpills) was hired to help engineer. Basic tracks were done at his house/studio in Amherst, only a mile or so from Emily Dickinsons house; the project began in earnest in the dead of winter, 1999. Everything else was done at my tiny apartment – I was set up with a couple of ADATs and a Mac which was used for sampling, loops, and software synth. Then it was all brought back to Chalfant’s for mixing.
"The band wasn’t ultimately happy with my approach to this album – I think they all felt I was usurping too much control. I was layering in more details and intstruments that no one else in the band was playing. A lot of keyboards, even drum and percussion parts that Stuart did not perform, made it onto the album. I have to say perhaps to my detriment I wasn’t too concerned about the opinions of the rest of the band when it came to putting this one together – I knew exactly what I wanted, everyone had made their contributions and it was time for me to take over and sculpt it. I made no friends within the band creating this album. But I was pretty happy with the result and eventually most of them came around.
"CV finally came out to good response but again, no real support in terms of touring, or any interest from labels. That came later in the year, after we had entered the band into an ambitous online music project callled Garageband, run by a guy named Tom Zito and Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads. (Also involved in the project were Sir George Martin and Jim Dickinson). The song “Wrong” from Homesick soared to the top of the Garageband chart, and not long after they offered us a record deal...."
released January 1, 2000
Philip Price: vocals, guitars, keyboards, production
Adrian O'Carolan: vocals, keyboards
Max Germer: bass
Stuart Wright: drums
cover art by Jim Woodring
1. Nature's Afternoon
2. Long Dark See You
3. Sara J
4. Solid Yellow Zero
5. Dying In My Sleep
6. Back In Time
7. Be My Guest
8. Green
9. We're Three
10. Sleep, New Toy
11. Dead Jones

Homesick (1997)
The first proper CD by the band, the eighth overall release.
From the 2004 interview with Philip in Bucketful of Brains (UK magazine):
"Adrian O'Carolan joined the band and we figured it was time to make an actual proper CD. Jon Lupfer of Q Division in Boston, MA (along with Mike Deneen engineer and producer of such acts as Aimee Mann, Jen Trynin, Tracy Bonham..) produced and mixed "Homesick", the first 'real' album. He had a friend in the Northampton area and was visiting and ended up at a show of ours. He expressed interest in working with us in some way, and this friendly connection has remained in place to this day. We took him up when it came time to do "Homesick". Basic tracks were recorded at Q and then carted home onto ADATS to do extra tracking in our basement rehearsal space. Then back to Boston for tweaks and mixing. The album came out to huge local acclaim – it seemed certain we had made an impact on the local music scene. But this didn’t translate to the world at large.
"The Maggies barely ever toured. We had no publicists, managers, booking agents or record labels helping us out in any way, until the very end of the band's life. Although we were productive and ambitious, it was ultimately a deeply frustrating venture in that it seemed there was an endless series of near misses for the band. It was not for lack of trying, I assure you. Again, it seemed we laboured in a vacuum almost for its entire existence. Would it have helped had we moved to NYC, or Los Angeles, or Nashville, or London? Possibly. Maybe. Maybe not. It was not really an option, as i needed to be near my family, my kids. This was a huge factor, if not the core factor, of our inability to get on the road for any extended period of time. Balancing family and a creative life was a serious endeavor, and I would never compromise my kids health and happiness for the satisfaction of a succcessful music career, but I somehow felt I could find a way to do both, even if it meant waiting a long time or some other middle ground..."
released September 1, 1998
Philip Price: vocals, guitars, keyboards, production
Adrian O'Carolan: vocals, keyboards
Max Germer: bass
Stuart Wright: drums
Engineered and produced by Jon Lupfer at Q Division, Cambridge, MA.
1. A Different Sun
2. Hit On The Head
3. Wrong
4. Love Comes Inside
5. Star On Wheels
6. Thank God
7. I Miss My Life
8. Say It First
9. Load It Up
10. I Need A Date
11. Homesick
12. My Gun Is Loaded

Summer's Gone (1996)
This was the last collection of recordings the 3-piece version of the band did before Adrian O'Carolan joined the band later in 1997.
Recorded partly in Keene, NH in the house Philip shared with friend and photographer Michael Moore in 1995 (who documented much of the band during this time period and after), finished down in Philip's new hometown of Northampton, MA in 1996, it was originally to be titled "Sex Diary", after a song that never made it onto the album. (That song will be included here as a bonus track when the full album is remixed and uploaded).
Like the other Maggies projects of this time, a little less than half these songs made it onto the 'real' releases; some never did, and therein lies their charm. They never received the full studio treatment, and never will.
Those songs are: the title track, Florida, Sort of True, The Basis Here is Need to Know, and Why I Can't.
released September 1, 1996
Philip Price: vocals, guitars
Max Germer: bass
Stuart Wright: drums
engineered by Philip Price in Keene, NH and Northampton, MA.
1. Summer's Gone
2. I Need A Date
3. Florida
4. Nature's Afternoon
5. Sort Of True
6. Say It First
7. Green
8. The Basis Here Is Need To Know
9. Why I Can't

1. My Gun Is Loaded
2. Star On Wheels
3. Wrong
4. Heart Egg
5. Ceiling Light
6. We're Three
7. Solid Yellow Zero
8. Avoid You
9. The Dog
10. Johnny's Best Friend
11. Nothing Was Delivered

BRITTLE (1994)
1. Covering Me Up
2. Brittle
3. Sleep
4. Angry Broom
5. She's So Young
6. Walk Backwards
7. Fail My Test

1. Savor
2. Dandelion
3. Cool R
4. Anyhow

1. Nothing To Look At
2. Do Nothing
3. Ten Long years
4. I'm Weird
5. Nightmare I Luv
6. Beautiful Joe
7. A Window
8. The Dog
9. Could
10. Misinterpreted
11. Load It Up

1. Laughing Stock
2. Skin Horse
3. I Lied
4. The Giant Who Fell Down
5. Thank God
6. Joseph Bueys
7. No Footprints In Heaven
8. Solid Yellow Zero
9. Heaven Alone
10. Cottonmouth
11. Show & Tell

TULIP (1993)
1. The Dog
2. Weatherland
3. Q
4. Evidence
5. Skin Horse
6. Show & Tell